“On Caregiving” (by anthropologist caregiver)

Local group member Judy forwarded this article from the current issue of the Harvard Magazine on to me.  It’s adapted from two articles by a Harvard Medical School professor of medical anthropology on the topic of caregiving, published in the UK medical journal The Lancet.  The Harvard professor, Arthur Kleinman, is the author of What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life Amidst Uncertainty and Danger.  He is also the caregiver of his wife with an atypical form of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Here’s an excerpt:

…I am writing principally about people like me who give care to loved ones who suffer the infirmities of advanced age, serious disabilities, terminal illnesses, and the devastating consequences of such health catastrophes as stroke or dementia.

Faced with these crises, family and close friends become responsible for assistance with all the mundane, material activities of daily living: dressing, feeding, bathing, toileting, ambulating, communicating, and interfacing with the healthcare system. Caregivers protect the vulnerable and dependent. To use the experience-distorting technical language: they offer cognitive, behavioral, and emotional support. And because caregiving is so tiring, and emotionally draining, effective caregiving requires that caregivers themselves receive practical and emotional support.

But, to use the close experiential language of actually doing it, caregiving is also a defining moral practice. It is a practice of empathic imagination, responsibility, witnessing, and solidarity with those in great need. It is a moral practice that makes caregivers, and at times even the care-receivers, more present and thereby fully human.

Here’s a link to the full article:


Forum: On Caregiving
A scholar experiences the moral acts that come before—and go beyond—modern medicine.
by Arthur Kleinman
Harvard Magazine

July-August 2010

This is well worth reading!  I’ve copied the full text below of the combined article from Harvard Magazine.

And, if you prefer, you can read the two articles from The Lancet, which are posted on the Harvard Magazine‘s website here:

Catastrophe and caregiving: the failure of medicine as an art
The Lancet
January 5, 2008


Caregiving: the odyssey of becoming more human
The Lancet
January 24, 2009



Forum: On Caregiving

A scholar experiences the moral acts that come before—and go beyond—modern medicine.
by Arthur Kleinman
Harvard Magazine

July-August 2010

In 1966, as a visiting medical student at a London teaching hospital, I interviewed a husband and wife, in their early twenties, who had recently experienced a truly calamitous health catastrophe. On their wedding night, in their first experience of sexual intercourse, a malformed blood vessel in the husband’s brain burst, leaving him with a disabling paralysis of the right side of his body. Stunned and guilt-ridden, the couple clutched hands and cried silently as they shared their suffering with me. My job was to get the neurological examination right and diagnose where the rupture had taken place. I remember the famous professor, who went over my findings, repeating the neurological examination and putting me through my paces as a budding diagnostician. He never once alluded to the personal tragedy for the sad lovers and the shock to their parents. Finally, I found the courage to tell him that I thought the failure to address what really mattered to them—how to live their lives together from here on—was unacceptable. Surely, it was our medical responsibility to offer them some kind of caregiving and hope for the future. He smiled at me in a surprised and patronizing way; then he said I was right to insist that there was more to this case than the neurological findings. The professor had the patient and his wife brought to the lecture hall where he presided over the teaching rounds, and he gave them as sensitive an interview as I might have hoped for, including empathic suggestions for rehabilitation, family counseling, and social-work assistance.

I have long regarded this experience as iconic of contemporary medicine’s caregiving paradox. The balance between science/technology and art has shifted so far toward the former that the latter is a pale shadow, a fragile remnant of what had for centuries been crucial to the work of the doctor. To prepare for a career of caregiving, medical students and young doctors clearly require something besides scientific and technological training that, even as it enables the physician as a technical expert, risks disabling her or him as a caregiver.

That work can be reasserted when we have the time and desire to do so, as the distinguished neurologist showed me, but it is regularly overlooked and left aside. I recently visited a noted southeast Asian hospital where the doctor-patient relationship for patients returning for follow-up visits lasts one to three minutes—hardly time to ask a few questions, do the quickest physical examination, and write a prescription. Not a place where the art of caregiving is likely to flourish. The residents with whom I spoke got the message. The structure of training and of service delivery discourages and even disables the art.

My own experience of being the primary caregiver for my wife, on account of her neurodegenerative disorder, convinces me yet further that caregiving has much less to do with doctoring than the general public realizes or than medical educators are willing to acknowledge. Caregiving is about skilled nursing, competent social work, rehabilitation efforts of physical and occupational therapists, and the hard physical work of home healthcare aides. Yet, for all the efforts of the helping professions, caregiving is for the most part the preserve of families and intimate friends, and of the afflicted person herself or himself. We struggle with family and close friends to undertake the material acts that sustain us, find practical assistance with the activities of daily living, financial aid, legal and religious advice, emotional support, meaning-making and remaking, and moral solidarity. About these caregiving activities, we know surprisingly little, other than that they come to define the quality of living for millions of sufferers.

I lead her across the living room, holding her hand behind my back, so that I can navigate the two of us between chairs, sofas, end tables, over Persian rugs, through the passageway and into the kitchen. I help her find and carefully place herself in a chair, one of four at the oval-shaped oak table. She turns the wrong way, forcing the chair outward; I push her legs around and in, under the table’s edge. The sun streams through the bank of windows. The brightness of the light and its warmth, on a freezing winter’s day, make her smile. She turns toward me. The uneven pupils in Joan Kleinman’s green-brown eyes look above and beyond my head, searching for my face. Gently I turn her head towards me. I grin as she raises her eyebrows in recognition, shakes her long brown hair, and the soft warmth of her sudden happiness lights up her still strikingly beautiful face. “Wonderful!” she whispers. “I’m a Palo Alto, a California, girl. I like it warm.”

I place a fork in her right hand and guide it to the poached egg in the deep bowl. I have already cut up the toast, so that I can help her spear pieces of bread and soak up the yolk. She can’t find the teacup in front of her, so I move her hand next to its handle. The Darjeeling tea glows hot and golden red in the Chinese cup. “Wonderful!” she again whispers.

Later, while I am trying to decide what she should wear, Joan frowns, fussing with her feet. “These nails are too long. And where are my shoes? I need to find my shoes!” She stands before about 18 pairs on a rack, shoes her unseeing brain can’t recognize. “Don’t get agitated,” I interject with foreboding. “Do you want a Zyprexa?”

“No! No pills. Why do I need pills? I’m healthy.”

“Joan, you have Alzheimer’s disease. You’re not healthy. You have a brain disease. A serious problem.” I can barely conceal the frustration in my voice.

“Why did God do this to me? I’ve always been good. I never did anything to cause this. Should I kill myself?” She says it in such a way as to signal to me, as she has before, that this is a statement of pain and a cry for help, not an earnest question to discuss or to make plans. In fact it means the opposite: because, as in the past, she quickly changes tone. “If you love then you can do it! We can live and love.”

“We can do it,” I repeat, each time a little bit more weakly, enduring the unendurable.

And so another morning begins, another day of caregiving and care-receiving between a 69-year-old man and a 70-year-old woman who have lived together passionately and collaboratively for 45 years, absorbed in an intense relationship— intellectual, aesthetic, sexual, emotional, moral. What has made it possible to get even this far are our two adult children, their spouses, my 96-year-old mother, my brother, and our four grandchildren who sometimes take the hand of their often uncomprehending grandmother, because she is standing alone, lost, and lead her back into the protective, enabling circle of our family.

For seven years we have lived through the progressive neurodegenerative disorder that has unspooled the neural networks of Joan’s brain. It originated in the occipital lobes at the far back of the brain. The pathology of undoing has inexorably worked its way forward to the parietal and temporal lobes on the sides of the brain, and finally to the frontal lobes that mount up behind the forehead, through the layers of neurons and nodes of connecting neural nets that structure and retain memories, focus attention, balance emotion with common sense, underwrite judgment, and make possible the ordinariness of reading, writing, telling stories, understanding jokes, recognizing people, orienting oneself in space and in time, but also within emotional and moral coordinates, and, of course, doing things in the world.

This trail of unraveled brain structure and mounting dysfunction is, in physical terms, only one of inches; yet its silent, implacable wrecking creates entirely new conditions for living a life and being with others. Joan has an atypical form of Alzheimer’s disease. She is functionally blind. She cannot find her way in our home, where she has lived since 1982. She often misinterprets those objects she does see, treating a chair as if it were a table or the floor lamp a person. Left unaccompanied, she walks into doors and has banged her legs so hard into low tables she didn’t see that she has caused deep contusions. Once, at our son’s house, she opened a door and fell down a flight of unseen stairs, breaking her pelvis; at the onset of the disease, she ran into the street, where a pick-up truck ran over her right foot.

Joan can’t, on her own, find her way out of the bedroom. Yet, once safely in my hands or those of our trusted home health aide, she can walk effectively. A China scholar who translated and interpreted ancient texts, she can no longer read. A wife and mother whose fierce commitment to the family was its moral backbone, she now struggles to be part of family functions and can sometimes seem impassive and cut off from us. Formerly the primary caregiver for her husband and children, she is now the care-receiver. She may no longer be who she was even seven years ago, but her subjectivity has not so much disappeared—there is much of her personality that is still present—as altered. And that alteration has affected what had been for four decades an all-consuming relationship—our identity and orientation. I still cannot accept to treat her as if she can no longer share the sensibility and narrative we have created, and yet, more and more frequently, she can’t. She is happy much of the time. It is I, the caregiver, who, more often, am sad and despairing.

She is a source of great concern to each of us, her family members, about how to best manage her condition. We grieve what we have lost and fear what we know lies ahead. We have each of us gone through feelings of loss, anger, and frustration. We have been marked by a special kind of pain. But we have also experienced a deepening sense of responsibility, gratitude for all that we had lived through together, love, solidarity, and a shared sensibility that we have resisted what is beyond our control and are, individually and collectively, more for it. This is not meant as a self-satisfying summing up—there is no final summary yet and the proper genre is tragedy, as millions who are engaged in these everyday practices know.

Economists configure caregiving as “burden.” Psychologists talk about “coping,” health-services researchers describe social resources and healthcare costs, and physicians conceive it as a clinical skill. Each of these perspectives represents part of the picture. For the medical humanities and interpretive social sciences, caregiving is a foundational component of moral experience. By this I mean that we envision caregiving as an existential quality of what it is to be a human being. We give care as part of the flow of everyday lived values and emotions that make up moral experience. Here collective values and social emotions are as influential as individual ones. Within these local moral worlds—family, network, institution, community—caregiving is one of those things that really matters, but usually not the only thing.

As a scholar, I engage with other medical humanists to understand the dimensions of this moral activity—how it is experienced and organized. In part, I hope it can be better taught. I believe that what doctors need to be helped to master is the art of acknowledging and affirming the patient as a suffering human being; imagining alternative contexts and practices for responding to calamity; and conversing with and supporting patients in desperate situations where the emphasis is on what really matters to the patient and his or her intimates. A program of medical training that makes this happen, however it is innovated, should combine practical experience of caregiving for health catastrophes in homes and institutions, where students actually do those things that families do, with the knowledge that stands behind the art of medicine.

But here, I am writing principally about people like me who give care to loved ones who suffer the infirmities of advanced age, serious disabilities, terminal illnesses, and the devastating consequences of such health catastrophes as stroke or dementia.

Faced with these crises, family and close friends become responsible for assistance with all the mundane, material activities of daily living: dressing, feeding, bathing, toileting, ambulating, communicating, and interfacing with the healthcare system. Caregivers protect the vulnerable and dependent. To use the experience-distorting technical language: they offer cognitive, behavioral, and emotional support. And because caregiving is so tiring, and emotionally draining, effective caregiving requires that caregivers themselves receive practical and emotional support.

But, to use the close experiential language of actually doing it, caregiving is also a defining moral practice. It is a practice of empathic imagination, responsibility, witnessing, and solidarity with those in great need. It is a moral practice that makes caregivers, and at times even the care-receivers, more present and thereby fully human.

If the ancient Chinese perception is right that we are not born fully human, but only become so as we cultivate ourselves and our relations with others—and that we must do so in a threatening world where things often go terribly wrong and where what we are able to control is very limited—then caregiving is one of those relationships and practices of self-cultivation that make us, even as we experience our limits and failures, more human. It completes (not absolutely, but as a kind of burnishing of what we really are—warts and all) our humanity. And if that Chinese perspective is also right (as I believe it is), when it claims that by building our humanity, we humanize the world, then our own ethical cultivation at the very least fosters that of others and holds the potential, through those relationships, of deepening meaning, beauty, and goodness in our experience of the world.

I am not a naive moralist. I’ve had far too much experience of the demands, tensions, and downright failures of caregiving to fall into sentimentality and utopianism. Caregiving is not easy. It consumes time, energy, and financial resources. It sucks out strength and determination. It turns simple ideas of efficacy and hope into big question marks. It can amplify anguish and desperation. It can divide the self. It can bring out family conflicts. It can separate those who care from those who can’t or won’t handle it. It is very difficult. It is also far more complex, uncertain, and unbounded than professional medical and nursing models suggest. I know about the moral core of caregiving not nearly so much from my professional life as a psychiatrist and medical anthropologist, nor principally from the research literature and my own studies, but primarily because of my new life of practice as a primary caregiver.

I learned to be a caregiver by doing it, because I had to do it; it was there to do. I think this is how most people learn to be caregivers, for people who are elderly, disabled, or chronically or terminally ill. But of course this is also how parents, especially mothers, learn to care for children. My point is not so dissimilar to what William James claimed was how we learn to feel emotions: we move, we respond, we act. Our muscles (voluntary and involuntary) move. And so out of practices comes affect. And out of practices comes caregiving. And out of the billions of ordinary acts of caregiving perhaps also comes much of that which, imperceptibly and relentlessly, sustains the world.

We are caregivers because we practice caregiving. It is all the little concrete things I described in caring for my wife that taken together and over time constitute my caregiving, that make me a caregiver. So much depends on those concrete things: the doing, the feeling, the shadings, the symphonic complexity, the inadequacy, the living at every moment and over what can be such a long journey of the incompleteness yet the presence of a caregiver.


Arthur Kleinman is Rabb professor of anthropology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, professor of medical anthropology and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Fung director of the Harvard University Asia Center. He is the author of What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life Amidst Uncertainty and Danger. This essay was adapted from two articles written for The Lancet’s Art of Medicine department, “Catastrophe and caregiving: The failure of medicine as art” (371:9606, 22-23; January 5, 2008) and “Caregiving: The odyssey of becoming more human” (373:9660, 292-293; January 24, 2009), available to our readers as PDFs courtesy of The Lancet. The second article contains suggestions for further reading.


LA Times article on anticholinergics + a list

Hopefully you all are aware of the potential side effects of anticholinergic medication — particularly important to know about for the elderly and for those with dementia.

There was a good Los Angeles Times article on this topic last week.  See:


Medicines from class of drugs commonly used by the elderly, including Benadryl and Dramamine, can cause impaired thinking, study finds
Los Angeles Times
Thomas H. Maugh II
4:05 PM PDT, July 13, 2010

Mentioned in the article is a resource that I’ve never heard of before but looks like it would be very promising:  it’s a list of the “anticholinergic cognitive burden” of anticholinergic medications.  You can find it here:


Anticholinergics block the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is important for cognition.  The most commonly used anticholinergics by the elderly are sleep aids (such as Benadryl, Excedrin PM, Tylenol PM) and incontinence drugs (such as Detrol).  Quite a few antidepressants (Paxil, Elavil) are also anticholinergic.



“Encouraging Comfort Care” publication and checklist for families

I read about a new publication titled “Encouraging Comfort Care.” Comfort care is the same thing as palliative care, where the focus is on the patient’s physical and mental comfort, rather than treatments to restore a person to good health. The publication is from the Alzheimer’s Association’s Greater Illinois Chapter so focuses on comfort care for dementia patients living in care facilities. But I think everyone — whether dealing with dementia or not, and whether caring for someone in a facility or not — will find value in this 21-page care planning booklet. 

Here’s a link to “Encouraging Comfort Care”: 


According to the table of contents, these topics are covered: 
What is comfort care? 
Facts about dementia 
How the brain and body change over time 
Dementia and residential care facilities 
Comfort care in action 
Medical decisions you may face 
What does research tell us? 
Who decides? 
How to create meaningful and enjoyable visits 
Eating can be comforting too 
When is it time for hospice care? 
Active dying 
Checklist for encouraging comfort care 
Resources and references 

I’ve copied below excerpts from a “checklist for encouraging comfort care.”

Here are a few of the resources listed: 

Caring Connections is a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization aimed at mproving care at the end of life. Contact at (800) 658-8898 or www.Caringinfo.org 

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. It offers a wealth of information about end of-life-care and referrals to local hospices. Contact at (800) 658-8898 or www.nhpco.org 

National Health Care Decisions Day is an initiative to encourage people to express their wishes regarding healthcare and for providers and facilities to respect those wishes, whatever they may be. For information about advance directives, contact www.nationalhealthcaredecisionsday.org 

National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center can direct you to professional and volunteer advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes and assisted living facilities. Ombudsmen provide information about what to do to get quality care and are trained to resolve problems and assist with complaints. Contact (800) 677-1116 or www.ltcombudsman.org 

Center to Advance Palliative Care provides clear, comprehensive palliative care information for people coping with serious, complex illnesses. Contact www.getpalliativecare.org


The “checklist for encouraging comfort care” is intended as prompt for discussion “with the facility’s staff, other health care providers, or relatives and friends.” Here are some items on the checklist:
_____ Staff know your loved one’s preferences for food, drink, clothing, bathing, etc. 
_____ Staff routinely anticipate needs such as hunger, boredom, toileting and fatigue. 
_____ Pain is evaluated daily and relief is provided with medications and non-drug measures. 
_____ Psychotropic drugs are administered only with your permission. 
_____ Staff consistently interact with your loved one in a calm, kind manner. 
_____ Staff use language that promotes your loved one’s dignity and individuality. 
_____ Staff tap your loved one’s remaining abilities and strengths whenever possible. 
_____ Based on your loved one’s wishes and goals of care, you, the physician, and staff have discussed if and when hospitalization should be considered. 
_____ Based on your loved one’s wishes and goals of care, a decision has been made if cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should/should not be initiated. 
_____ Based on your loved one’s wishes and goals of care, you have discussed with the physician and staff if oral or intravenous antibiotics should/should not be initiated. 
_____ Staff know your preferences/decisions about hospice care. 
_____ Staff routinely engage your loved one in one-to-one activities involving the five senses. 
_____ Your loved one’s spiritual needs and practices are addressed. 
_____ Funeral arrangements are completed and communicated to staff. 
_____ Ways of caring for yourself are practiced on a daily basis. 

“The Caregiving Boomerang” by Gail Sheehy

Here’s a Newsweek article on caregiving by Gail Sheehy, author of the recently-published book “Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos Into Confidence.”

http://www.newsweek.com/2010/06/18/the- … erang.html

The Caregiving Boomerang
by Gail Sheehy
June 18, 2010

The most devoted family caretakers are at risk of dying first themselves. Survival strategies from the author of ‘Passages.’

Fifty is the gateway to the most liberating passage in a woman’s life. Children are making test flights out of the nest. Parents are expected to be roaming in their RVs or sending postcards of themselves riding camels. Free at last! Women can graduate from the precarious balancing act between parenting and pursuit of a career. Time to pursue your passion. Climb mountains. Run rapids. Rediscover romance. You have a whole Second Adulthood ahead of you!

That has been the message of my books since I wrote New Passages 15 years ago. What I didn’t see coming was the Boomerang.

With parents living routinely into their 90s, a second round of caregiving has become a predictable crisis for women in midlife. Nearly 50 million Americans are taking care of an adult who used to be independent. Yes, men represent about one third of family caregivers, but their participation is often at a distance and administrative. Women do most of the hands-on care. The average family caregiver today is a 48-year-old woman who still has at least one child at home and holds down a paying job.

It starts with The Call. It’s a call about a fall. Your mom has had a stroke. Or it’s a call about your dad—he’s run a red light and hit someone, again, but how are you ever going to persuade him to stop driving? Or your husband’s doctor calls with news that your partner is reluctant to tell you: it’s cancer.

When that call came to me, I froze. The shock plunges you into a whirlpool of fear, denial, and feverish act-ion. You search out doctors. They don’t agree on the diagnosis. You scavenge the Internet. The side effects freak you out. You call your brother or sister, hoping for help. Old rivalries flare up. You haunt the corridors of the hospital, always on duty to prevent mistakes.

It begins to dawn on you that your life is also radically changing. This is a caregiving role that nobody applies for. You don’t expect it. You aren’t trained for it. And, of course, you won’t be paid for it. You probably won’t even identify yourself as a caregiver. So many women tell me, “It’s just what we do.”

We’d like to think that siblings would be natural allies when parents falter. In countless of my interviews with family caregivers, I hear the same stories: Brothers bury their heads in the sand. The farther away a sister lives, the more certain she will call the primary caregiver and tell her she doesn’t know what she’s doing. A major 1996 study by Cornell and Louisiana State universities concluded that siblings are not just inherent rivals, but the greatest source of stress between human beings.

There are many rewards in giving back to a loved one. And the short-term stress of mobilizing against the initial crisis jump-starts the body’s positive responses. But this role is not a sprint. It usually turns into a marathon, averaging almost five years. Demands intensify. Half of family caregivers work full time. Attention deficit is constant. But most solitary caregivers who call hotlines like Family Caregiver Alliance wait until the third or fourth year before sending out the desperate cry: “I can’t do this anymore!”

The hypervigilant caregiver becomes exhausted, but can’t sleep. Chronic stress turns on a steady flow of cortisol. Too much cortisol shuts down the immune-cell response, leaving one less able to ward off infection. Many recent clinical studies show that long-term caregivers are at high risk for sleep deprivation, immune-system deficiency, depression, chronic anxiety, loss of concentration, and premature death.

Ailing elders seldom say thank you. On the contrary, they often put up fierce resistance to the caregiver’s efforts. “A major component of psychological stress that promotes later physical illness is not being appreciated for one’s devoted work,” explains Dr. Esther Sternberg, a stress researcher and author of The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions. She places caregivers at the same risk for burnout as nurses, teachers, and air-traffic controllers.
Once the solitary caregiver gets so stressed out emotionally that her own health declines, she can no longer provide the care. The only option left is to place the family member in a nursing home—the last choice of everybody, the most expensive for taxpayers, and guaranteed to leave the caregiver burdened with guilt.

It doesn’t have to be this way. From hundreds of interviews with caregivers and my own experience of 17 years in the role, I can suggest some survival strategies:

Ideally, have the conversation with your siblings before the crisis with Mom and Dad. Make it clear that you cannot do this alone. If the crisis is already upon you, hold a family meeting—in -person—but don’t set yourself up as the boss. Ask a neutral professional—your parent’s primary doctor or a social-worker—to act as mediator. Everyone will be informed of the diagnosis and care plan at the same time. Ask your siblings to come prepared with “What I can do best…” One may contribute money, another has more free time. Everyone has to feel valued.

Download a free Internet-based care calendar that is totally private and can function as the family’s secretary, coordinating dates and tasks to be shared.

Join a support group. Learn from veteran caregivers, who are eager to offer practical short-cuts and know instinctively what you need emotionally. Regular exercise is vital to break the cycle of hy-pervigilance and prepare the body for more refreshing sleep. Ask for appointments for your physical checkups or tests at the same time and place where you take your family member.

You must take at least one hour a day—but every day—to do something that gives you pleasure and refreshment. Have a manicure. Take a swim. Call a friend for coffee. Window-shop. Try a yoga class. All this allows your nervous system to reset.

You will also need longer breaks every few months. Call your local Area Agency on Aging and ask where you can take your family member for a respite stay. Rehab facilities often have some beds for the purpose. Under Medicaid, the caregiver is entitled to three or four days away every 90 days.

Above all, do not fall into the trap of Playing God. When the devoted caregiver comes to believe that she is responsible for saving a loved one’s life—often reinforced by the care-recipient—any downturn will feel like a personal failure. It’s not. No mere human can control disease or aging.

When it becomes clear that your loved one does not have long to live, the caregiver who survives must begin the effort of coming back to life. There is peril in remaining so attached to your declining loved one that you lose your “self.” Palliative care or hospice is invaluable to support and advise you on how to pace yourself at this stage. Medicare or Medicaid will pay for a home health aide to stay with your loved one.

This is the time to replenish your emotional attachments. Reach out for old friends, grandchildren, your church or temple. Take a class at the local Y or community college. Join a book club or a baseball league. I know, I know, you’re too tired. But meeting new people is a natural antidote to late-stage caregiving. New attachments are a bridge to your new life.

You will be answering one of the most profound questions that trouble the dying: what will become of you when I leave you? To see the caregiver joyful again can be a gift of relief.

Sheehy is author of 16 books. Her most recent, Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos Into Confidence, was published in May.

Hospital Delirium: one-third of those over 70 (NYT)

This New York Times article is on hospital delirium, which affects one-third of hospital patients over 70.
Some excerpts:

“The cause of delirium is unclear, but there are many apparent triggers: infections, surgery, pneumonia, and procedures like catheter insertions, all of which can spur anxiety in frail, vulnerable patients. Some medications, difficult for older people to metabolize, seem associated with delirium.”

“But new research shows significant negative effects.  Even short episodes can hinder recovery from patients’ initial conditions, extending hospitalizations, delaying scheduled procedures like surgery, requiring more time and attention from staff members and escalating health care costs. Afterward, patients are more often placed, whether temporarily or permanently, in nursing homes or rehabilitation centers. Older delirium sufferers are more likely to develop dementia later. And, Dr. Inouye found, 35 percent to 40 percent die within a year.”

“Dr. Malaz A. Boustani…found that elderly patients experiencing delirium were hospitalized six days longer, and placed in nursing homes 75 percent of the time, five times as often as those without delirium. Nearly one-tenth died within a month. Experts say delirium can contribute to death by weakening patients or leading to complications like pneumonia or blood clots.”

Here’s a link to the full article:


Hallucinations in Hospital Pose Risk to Elderly
New York Times
By Pam Belluck
June 20, 2010

Clearly we need to have more effort in hospitals to prevent delirium!
