“What to expect when you call an ambulance” (Washington Post)

Recently, Sacramento-based support group member Maureen Anderson sent me this interesting article in the Washington Post about calling 911.  The author reviews what help people will and will not receive when an EMIT arrives on the scene.



What to expect when you call an ambulance
Washington Post
By Amy Orndorff
March 18, 2014

The author has a useful list of what the public can do to help EMTs, including:

  1. Put BIG numbers on your house and make sure they are well lit at night.
  2. Know where you are. … Just knowing major intersections near you makes a big difference in finding you.
  3. Write or type the names of your medications, the conditions for which you take them and the dosages. Put this information someplace easy to find, such as on the fridge or in your wallet. Writing down a list of allergies helps, too.
  4. Hide a key outside. If you have a medical emergency — like a bad fall down the steps — and can’t open the door for us, we will have to knock it down. If you have a key hidden, you can tell the dispatcher, and we’ll know where to look.
