Update on 6/11/18: Unfortunately this webinar is now cancelled.
Brain Support Network group member Steven Russell shared with me today info on an upcoming webinar, which will give an overview of all four of the atypical parkinsonism disorders — MSA, LBD, PSP, and CBD. Details are:
What If It’s NOT Parkinson’s?
In this webinar, Dr. Mihaela Alexander, Colorado Neurodiagnostics, will discuss atypical parkinsonisms such as multiple system atrophy and Lewy body dementia, among others (PSP, CBD). Dr. Alexander will cover what we know about these conditions and what treatments are available for each condition.
Tuesday, June 12
10-11am CA time
Parkinson Association of the Rockies, Denver, parkinsonrockies.org
General Information: (same as what is above)