“Smarter Ways to Teach Family Members Medical Skills” (online videos)

This article from last Monday’s Wall Street Journal notes that there’s now an effort to train family caregivers in providing medical skills to family members at home.  Over 43 million adults are providing care at home for a family member — almost half of them perform medical or nursing tasks.  Seventy-five percent manage medications, including administering IV fluids and injections.

Three video resources available for this type of training include:

Family Caregiver’s Video Guide to Managing Medications
created by UC Davis, AARP, and United Hospital Fund
April 2016
three videos (27 minutes total)

Caregiver College
created by Family Caregiver Alliance
November 2015
seven 7-minute video clips

SafeAtHome – Caregiver’s Guide to Caring for a Dementia Patient at Home
created by Family Caregiver Alliance
June 2015
20 minutes

Here’s a link to the article:


The Informed Patient
Smarter Ways to Teach Family Members Medical Skills
As care at home becomes more common, families are learning complex tasks traditionally performed in hospitals or nursing homes
Wall Street Journal
By Laura Landro
July 18, 2016 12:47 p.m. ET
