List of PSP-like syndromes

In a case report* of a 71-year-old Spanish woman with rheumatoid arthritis who developed many PSP symptoms (including vertical gaze palsy), there’s a long list of PSP-like syndromes:

Parkinson’s Disease

Multiple system atrophy

Whipple disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Caribbean parkinsonism
Niemann-Pick disease type C
Frontotemporal dementia associated with chromosome 17

Cerebral hemosiderosis

Flunarizine and amiodarone

Corticobasal Degeneration

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and motor neurone disease
Dementia with Lewy bodies

Prion disease
Lytico-Bodig disease
Cerebral autosomal dominal arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
Bilateral hypoxic-eschemic striopallidal lesions

Pallidonigroluysian Atrophy

Obstructive hydrocephalus

Clebopride (antidopaminergic drug)
Occupational exposure to lead batteries
Cerebrovascular disease
Intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula

Richardson syndrome

* Neurologist. 2011 May;17(3):136-40.
Rheumatoid meningitis mimicking progressive supranuclear palsy.
Aguilar-Amat MJ, Abenza-Abildúa MJ, Vivancos F, Rodríguez de Rivera FJ, Morales-Bastos C, Gandía-Gonzalez ML, Pérez-Zamarrón A, Arpa J.
Departments of *Neurology †Neuropathology ‡Neurosurgery, La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
PMID: 21532380