LBD folks –
Someone posted about the problem of a “burning mouth” over a year ago on the LBDA Forum. Now we have a published case report about it.
Revue Neurologique (Paris). 2009 Dec 30.
[Atypical Lewy body disease revealed by burning mouth syndrome and a pseudo-psychiatric syndrome.] [Article in French]Varvat J, Thomas-Anterion C, Decousus M, Perret-Liaudet A, Laurent B.
Service de neurologie, CHU Nord, Saint-Etienne cedex, France.
INTRODUCTION: Among the degenerative diseases of the nervous system, Lewy body disease has the most psychiatric symptoms especially hallucinations, delusion and identification disorders.
CASE REPORT: We report a case of Lewy body disease that started with a burning mouth syndrome for three year as the only symptom before the development of a pseudo-psychiatric syndrome (melancholy and Capgras). None of the usual cardinal criteria were present. MRI, cerebrospinal fluid, and DAT scan((R)) findings enabled the diagnosis.
CONCLUSION: The dopaminergic hypothesis put forward in some cases of burning mouth syndrome might explain this symptom in Lewy body disease.
PMID: 20045161