“How to Get Patients to Take More Control of Their Medical Decisions” (WSJ)

This long article in the Wall Street Journal (wsj.com) is about three ways researchers have come up with to get patients more involved in their medical decisions.  The three ways focus on:

* a clearer look at the options using decision aides, such as pamphlets, interactive programs, and videos

* making complex information simpler by expressing risk as absolute risk, by creating graphics that show risk information, and by considering therapy options one at a time

* lifting the electronic-records curtain by providing access to medical records, test records, and even physician notes

The webpage has a link to a 10-minute podcast about the article.  That’s probably sufficient for most of us.

Here’s a link to the full article:

Health Care
How to Get Patients to Take More Control of Their Medical Decisions
For years, people have been urged be more active in their own care. Now providers are giving them better tools to make that happen.
By Laura Landro
Wall Street Journal
Updated Feb. 28, 2017 12:23 p.m. ET 
