Here’s a good article in the Toronto Star newspaper about delirium. Key points in the article include:
* “Delirium can be a symptom of a chronic illness or metabolic imbalance.”
* “The signs and symptoms of a delirium mimic dementia symptoms, so your role (as a family member) is critical in explaining the individual’s baseline function” when you are in the hospital.
* “[Having] dementia, Parkinson’s disease or suffering a stroke can predispose you to delirium, as can being elderly, or having had an incident of delirium in the past.”
* “It can have a particularly negative impact on a vulnerable brain, impairing the brain’s ability to receive or send out signals.”
* “Some common triggers for delirium include fever, acute infection (like a flu), urinary tract infection, a toxin, sleep deprivation, or anesthesia. Certain drugs for asthma, Parkinson’s, pain and low oxygen can also be culprits.”
Here’s a link to the article:
How delirium can be different than dementia: Caregiver SOS
Delirium can happen to those who suffer from dementia, but it can also indicate other medical issues.
By Nira Rittenberg
Toronto Star
Mon., Feb. 13, 2017