Brain Support Network gratefully accepts donations of stocks and bonds that are traded regularly on national or local exchanges or in the over-the-counter market.
Note that US Federal Government bonds cannot be transferred during lifetime, but such bonds can be included as a bequest to BSN.
This webpage describes the overall process for making a charitable contribution to Brain Support Network with publicly-traded stock and other securities.
Brain Support Network (BSN) partners with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) in receiving donations of stock and other securities. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s broker (Morgan Stanley) will receive the donated stock. SVCF will instruct its broker to sell the stock. Within a few days, SVCF sends a check for the proceeds (less a 5% fee) to Brain Support Network. Donors will receive a tax receipt for their charitable contribution from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Of course donors will receive a thank-you letter from Brain Support Network.
To initiate the process, please send email to donations@brainsupportnetwork.
Here’s a short description of the easy process:
1. The donor (or donor’s stock broker) provides the following details to Brain Support Network:
- name of the stock (and ticker symbol) or name of the bond
- number of shares
- approximate value
- any restrictions on these securities
- name, email address, and cell phone number
- as appropriate: name, email address, and phone number of stock broker
2. Brain Support Network sends to the donor a designated gift agreement from Silicon Valley Community Foundation. This agreement is between the donor at SVCF. This gift agreement is a fill-able PDF that asks for some information:
- name on donor’s brokerage account (often this is a trust), donor’s name, mailing address, email address, and cell phone number
- ticker symbol and number of shares
- the approximate date of transfer
(If the donor is unable to complete a fill-able PDF, Brain Support Network can fax the agreement to the donor. Or the Silicon Valley Community Foundation can email the agreement via DocuSign to the donor.)
3. The donor returns the designated gift agreement to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and Brain Support Network (BSN). The form can be returned via email ([email protected] and [email protected]). An alternative is the donor can take a cell phone photo of the agreement and email the photo to the SVCF and BSN. Or, DocuSign can be utilized.
4. The donor transfers the securities to SVCF’s brokerage account (with Morgan Stanley). Then, SVCF instructs its broker to sell the shares. The donor will receive a tax receipt from the SVCF.
5. SVCF sends the proceeds (less a 5% fee) by check to Brain Support Network. Brain Support Network will send a thank-you letter to the donor for the generous gift.
We thank you in advance for your charitable contribution to Brain Support Network! If you have any questions or to initiate the process, please send email to donations@brainsupportnetwork.