Long-time group member Lily Shih, whose mom had MSA (confirmed through brain donation), sent me a link to this very helpful Caregiving Packet from John Muir Health:
The 36-page packet includes checklists or sheets for the caregiver (defined as anyone helping another with the challenges of everyday life) to complete on:
* important personal info
* home safety and security
* care receiver’s needs
* caregiver’s job description
* nursing home evaluation
* legal documents
(Note that the PDF is only 19 pages. Most pages are “doubles,” so you’ll have to scroll to the right to see the second page.)
The packet also shares info on:
* Medicare (what each part covers)
* hiring in-home help for the two types of care (skilled and custodial), with questions to ask agencies
* types of senior housing and care facilities
* how to choose a nursing home
* legal documents for managing financial affairs and managing healthcare decisions
* end-of-life care considerations
* caregiver resources
There’s almost nothing in this packet that is specific to John Muir Health. So it’s a great resource for us all.
Happy reading!