As we celebrate the beginning of a new year, we wanted to share our most visited blog posts and articles from 2018. It is our hope that we have provided meaningful resources to those with neurological disorders, their families, and their caregivers.
Apps to increase vocal loudness and improve fluency (speech therapist’s favorites)
PSP Stages/Phases, by two caregivers
“Cannabis and Parkinson’s Disease” – Lecture Notes
Constant groaning in PSP (case report)
Caregiver Stress Syndrome: Identifying Symptoms, Finding Solutions
“Applause sign” to diagnose PSP?
Webinar Notes – Hallucinations and delusions in LBD
Mayo Rochester finally reports results from mesenchymal stem cell study in MSA
Sharon’s Treatment Regimen for CBD
Five types of PSP and diagnostic challenges
Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes: Improving Your Ability to Handle Stress
“Are you a healthy caregiver” – 10 question test
Five Approximate Phases of Lewy Body Dementia (as seen by caregivers)
“Persisting in the Face of Caregiver Difficulties” – Webinar Notes