I just got word this morning that there will be a PSP Family Conference in the SF Bay Area on Saturday 4/8/06. It is being put on by the Society for PSP. It will be held either in SF or somewhere near SFO. We are being asked to offer suggestions on location and speakers, so let me know if you have any thoughts. The ’04 conference was attended by 100 people. The expectation is that this year’s conference will have even more attendees as there is a chance an announcement will be made about a Hollywood personality becoming a spokesperson for the Society for PSP. I thought the location of the ’04 conference was good (UCSF conference center) and suggested that again. Hotels, in general, will be more expensive unless we have an “in.” I thought the UCSF speaker last time on swallowing issues did a great job. In particular, the Society for PSP is looking for practically-oriented speakers (like speech therapists, swallowing specialists, OTs, and PTs). I’ll keep you posted as I learn more.