BSN PSP/CBD Conference – Panel: Research Part 2

Moderated by Alex Klein, PhD, CurePSP


For Dr. Haung (Ho) Yu:

Q: Is there actually a natural way of boosting your defense mechanism/tau count?

A: A type of sugar has been tested to help, but you have to take it in very high amounts. Creating more tau may not help in the long run, so it may actually be more harmful.

Q: Are you trying to discover some sort of pill you take once a day for the long run in parallel to other therapy? (to remove “garbage”)

A: The ultimate goal is to create a drug that an individual can take to help remove the “garbage”. Some of the early stages in drug discovery are being done now.


For Dr. Gerard Schellenberg:

Q: Can you comment again on the risk of passing PSP on to the next generation?

A: There are mutations that are 50% chance of passing it on in tau, but those are extraordinarily rare unless you have a very dense family history. They are so rare there is no percent on how often they occur. Does not get passed on generation to generation.

Q: You mentioned 2,000 genomes are being analyzed, can people participate in this?

A: Most of the 2,000 are autopsy proven cases. PSP is a pretty solid diagnosis, but for now (and when there’s more $), it is mostly autopsy. Always taking more volunteers for genetic testing. Very important to contact experts and genetic counselors. I strongly recommend you do not go with any full-profit providers. It is very important to get face-to-face genetic counseling. Many big centers offer it. If you go to genetic counseling counselors association, they provide a founder where you can type in your zip code and get an analysis. For research it is so important.



For Dr. Stewart Clark:

Q: When you develop these animal models, have you already tested the drugs being used in them?

A: The ultimate goal is to test drugs. We’ve done some tentative work with the animal model. Actively in the process of selecting other drug candidates, but no news currently.

Q: Can you speak on using animal models vs. humans?

A: It is so important to have actual brains to do research on, instead of cultures in a tray. However I do have a deep appreciation for animals that are being used, because it is so important for research.